Home-School Communication
At Wheatfield Primary School, we recognise the importance of excellent communication between families and school. As a school, we will use a variety of methods to communicate with families, in addition to having an open door policy to allow for face to face communication.
Our Communication Strategy
To have an up-to-date website with a calendar and supporting documentation so that families can always find the information in one place.
To provide a weekly newsletter with reminders and day to day information. This supports the website and will often point to specific pages and documents by adding hyperlinks.
To provide specific letters / communications aswell as ad hoc communication for anything unplanned and additional reminders sent through ParentMail.
To provide face to face meetings, as often as possible, supported by slides that are posted on the website for those that do not attend.
To use social media pages on Facebook and Instagram to provide further insights into school life, examples of our curriculum in actions, photos of events that are happening in school as well as useful information and links.